Exasol SaaS model – Superior Analytics Performance

February 18, 2022

Exasol, the fastest analytical database, has  launched its SaaS model on AWS cloud. It provides businesses with high performance and ease of use without the need to manage their own hardware infrastructure. The model moves analytics processes to the cloud without risks, friction and provides immediate budget relief. It allows the migration to happen at any pace, no matter the choice of where the data will be stored.

These are the following options for customers:

  • Since Exasol can run on their cloud of choice (Amazon, Google, Azure), they can manage their own cloud solution
  • Customers can choose to run Exasol on-premises, if they wish to have full control over their data
  • A hybrid solution is also possible for those who have needs that span several environments

The Exasol SaaS model does not put the focus on a “cloud-only” approach, but rather focuses on enabling every part of the enterprise to enjoy fast analytics. Exasol takes the responsibility of doing all the maintenance, allowing consumers to derive business value from their data quickly, easily and cost effectively.

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Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and discuss how we can boost your operational efficiency by merging rich tradition with a progressive mindset.