CRMT events 2019

PopolDan odprtih vrat kot znanilec novosti | 4 February Ljubljana

Gostom smo v sproščenem vzdušju in ob tematskih koktejlih predstavili naš razvoj in poslovanje. To danes temelji na treh stebrih: upravljanje s podatki, upravljanje poslovanja podjetij in skladnost z regulativo. Trije stebri, s katerimi našim strankam nudimo celostno rešitev za reševanje njihovih izzivov pri poslovanju. Dodatni steber smo zaposleni, ki več kot 50 domačim in tujim podjetjem nudimo podporo in vzdrževanje sistemov. Sodelovanje s strankami je dolgoročno in se običajno razvije v partnerstvo.

Imamo znanje, da podjetjem omogočimo enostaven dostop do podatkov, pohitrimo procese in z analizo podatkov pomagamo do odločitev, ki optimizirajo njihovo poslovanje. V CRMT se zavedamo hitrih sprememb pri delu s podatkovnimi tehnologijami, ki smo jim priča v digitalni dobi. Popoldan odprtih vrat smo izkoristili in se predstavili kot zaupanja vreden partner, ki dela z najboljšimi tehnologijami, ki jih ponuja trg. Če je tehnologija dovolj napredna, je ne ločimo od čudeža, je zaključil Slavko Kastelic, direktor prodaje.

Zero-Click Analytics | 2 April Ljubljana

New platform release of MicroStrategy 2019 has set new milestones in the field of data analysis for information consumers. On this event we presented three  NEW & EXCITING features of the platform release:

  •  HyperIntelligence brings instant data analytics without a single click.
  •  Federated analytics allows the use of other BI tools on top of the MicroStrategy platform.
  •  Transformational mobility meets the needs of all users who require data in their pockets.
  •  Live demonstrations of the platform’s features. 
  •  You will meet your peers who already know and use the platform

Analyzing all the data with high speed in a digitized world | 28 May Ljubljana

We discussed the following topics on this live free event:

  1. Importance of collecting, integrating, consolidating and analyzing all the available data fast enough
  2. Exasol, a high-performance, in-memory, MPP database specifically designed for in-memory analytics. Exasol database enables you to analyze large volumes of data in real-time, helping you accelerate your BI and reporting, and to turn data into value. With the help of Exasol companies are able to make decisions faster, and improve their business and profits.
  3. Why and when to use a cloud, on-premise or hybrid approach for data storage, depending on the needs and requirements of the company. We know that companies use applications that run on systems within a company, in public clouds, or even bought data, and it is necessary to combine that data.
  4. Sharing best practice cases. We will also present successful cases from Slovenian companies using Exasol in a day-to-day analysis, such as Telekom Slovenije, Mladinska knjiga, and others.

Exasol XPerience | 4-6 June Berlin

On this 3 day event participants discovered how they can use Exasol’s data analytics platform to turn their data into powerful, game-changing insights. 

Webinar: Netezza Migration to Exasol: A Technical Run-Through | 9 July

Netezza replacement webinar is a practical step-by-step guide on data migration process from Netezza to Exasol. CRMT was one of the first Netezza partners in this part of the world. Matej Petrovčič, CTO of CRMT discussed migration scenarios based on real-life experiences of migrating customers from Netezza to Exasol.

You can use the exact same scenarios from the webinar also for the migration of IBM IPS to Exasol. IBM IPS is the successor to Netezza with exactly the same functionality as Netezza.

You can watch the recordings here.

MicroStrategy Workshop | 16 October Ljubjana

This workshop was dedicated to both beginners and advanced users to learn about how to use the latest release of the Microstrategy platform. 

Beginners took a deep dive into the foundation for reports, creating and filtering them and calculating data on reports along with delivering and sharing them. BI team managers and advanced MicroStrategy users, could further strengthen their knowledge of existing features, get to know HyperIntelligence, Workstation, and Library.

Advance Your Data Journey | 28 November Ljubljana

our experts addressed how to implement, renovate or upgrade data management solutions in your company.  They explained the what’s, the why’s, and the how’s, followed by a live demo:

  • Data Catalog 
  • Data Governance
  • Data Pipelines
  • Overview of the Data Hub and five styles of Data Hubs description.

Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory company, found out that quite a few initiatives introduced in recent years didn’t deliver expected results because:

  • Master Data Management (MDM) management solutions are too expensive, implementation is slow and expensive hence not the most successful.
  • An increasing number of data sources are connected for a wide range of uses spanning operational and analytical uses.
  • Data lakes were exposing the mess after collecting a lot of data and drop it into a wide-open space.
  • Too much focus is on APIs or microservices as if this will solve the problems.
  • Too many organizations are still drowned in spaghetti of integration wires, applications and data stores.
  • Data integration shifted from collecting all the data to connecting data which led to new ideas for how to do that.

Download the Gartner report here and read why Data Catalogs are an Enterprise Must-Have. 

Ready for the next step?

Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and discuss how we can boost your operational efficiency by merging rich tradition with a progressive mindset.